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ヒト受精卵(胚盤胞)からの生児獲得予後判定(2018年, 2019年 日本国特許)、



01 / Statistics

平均値の検定(paried/unparied, parametric/non-parametric、一元配置分散分析、二元配置分散分析)、比率の検定(カイ二乗、Cochran, Mantel-Haenszel, Odds, Wilcoxon-ranked, Mantel-extension)、回帰、生存率解析、ヒストグラム、多変量解析(ロジスティック、重回帰、判別分析、クラスター、主成分分析)、サンプルサイズ など。

02 / Programming

「Statistics」に挙げた統計関数を、プラグラミング アルゴリズムと組合わせることで膨大な計算結果の中から最適解を求める。


03 / Artificial Intelligence



2018年、人工知能を用いてヒト受精卵画像から生児獲得 Live Birth できるかどうかについて特許取得。


Medical Data Labo


代表;宮木康成 Yasunari MIYAGI, MD., PhD.

1985年 岡山大学医学部卒業

1993年 医学博士

2008年 医療法人緑風会 三宅おおふくクリニック院長(〜現在)

2017年 Medical Data Labo設立(〜現在)

2018年 人工知能を用いたヒト受精卵画像診断に関する特許取得(その1)

2019年 人工知能を用いたヒト受精卵画像診断に関する特許取得(その2)

日本産科婦人科学会専門医、がん治療認定医、婦人科腫瘍専門医、日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会技術認定医、母体保護法指定医、産婦人科指導医、日本内視鏡外科学会技術認定医、日本医師会認定産業医、日本メディカルAI学会公認 機械学習・深層学習基礎コース/メディカルAI専門コース修了


Yasunari MIYAGI was born in Japan. He graduated Okayama University Medical School and became a medical trainee of the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Okayama University Hospital in 1985 and received the Ph.D. degree in 1993 from Okayama University. He was a faculty of the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Okayama University Hospital from 1995 to 2000. He has been a director of Miyake Ofuku Clinic, Okayama city, Japan since 2008, a representative of Medical Data Labo, Okayama city, Japan since 2017, and a visiting professor of Dept. of Gynecologic Oncology in Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, Saitama prefecture, Japan since 2019. His areas of research interest are programmed statistical analysis, artificial intelligence and laparoscopic surgery for benign gynecologic diseases. He possesses two patents in Japan regarding with the system for prediction of blastocyst prognosis with artificial intelligence. Membership of academic societies: Japanese Association for Medical Artificial Intelligence, Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Japan Society of Gynecologic Oncology, Japan Society of Clinical Oncology, Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Japan Society of Gynecologic and Obstetric Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy, Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine.



代表は臨床医で医学博士です。また、がん治療認定医など癌関連専門医資格を2種類、腹腔鏡技術認定医資格を2種類、およびその他を合わせて7種類の専門医資格を所有しています。さらにiPhone Appの開発も手がけ、現在16種類のアプリを全世界で展開販売しています。

従来より、知人医師から依頼を受けて医学データの解析をしておりましたが、いろいろお勧めをいただきビジネスとして立ち上げました。2017, 7月









USING Medical Data Labo




結果のレポートは通常はpdfファイルでお渡ししています。このためレポート上のグラフはそのまま学会や論文用に切り取って使用できます。tif, eps, jpgなども可能です。



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Medical Data Labo関連論文

Miyagi Y, Mio Y, Yumoto K, Hirata R, Habara T, Hayashi N. Kinetic Energy and the Free Energy Principle in the Birth of Human Life. Reproductive Medicine. 2024; 5(2):65-80.

宮木康成, 秦 利之, 三宅貴仁. AIによる4D 超音波の胎児表情認識から定量計測した胎児脳活動. 超音波TECHNO 2024; 3-4: 29-35.

Miyagi Y, Tada K, Yasuhi I, Tsumura K, Maegawa Y, Tanaka N, Mizunoe T, Emoto I, Maeda K, Kawakami K. 

A Novel Method for Determining Fibrin/Fibrinogen Degradation Products and Fibrinogen Threshold Criteria via Artificial Intelligence in Massive Hemorrhage during Delivery with Hematuria. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13(6), 1826;

Miyagi Y, Hata T, Miyake T. Fetal Brain Activity and the Free Energy Principle. Journal of Perinatal Medicine. 2023;51(7): 925-931.

Miyagi Y, Fujiwara K, Nomura H, Yamamoto K, Coleman RL. Feasibility of New Method for the Prediction of Clinical Trial Results Using Compressive Sensing of Artificial Intelligence. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 2023;10(1):237-267.  doi:10.14738/bjhmr.101.14061


Miyagi, Y, Hata, T, Bouno, S, Koyanagi, A, Miyake, T. Artificial intelligence to understand fluctuation of fetal brain activity by recognizing facial expressions. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14569


Miyagi Y, Habara T, Hirata R, Hayashi N. Deep Learning to predicting live births and aneuploid miscarriages from images of blastocysts combined with maternal age.

Int J Bioinfor Intell Comput. 2022;1(1):10-21.


Miyagi Y, Habara T, Hirata R, Hayashi N. (2022) New methods for comparing embryo selection methods by applying artificial intelligence: Comparing embryo selection AI for live births. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 9(1), 36–44.

Miyagi Y, Hata T, Bouno S, Koyanagi A, Miyake T.

Recognition of Fetal Facial Expressions using Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning 

Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol  2021; 15 (3):223-228.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10009-1710

Miyagi Y, Hata T, Bouno S, Koyanagi A, Miyake T.

Recognition of Facial Expression of Fetuses by Artificial intelligence (AI)

J Perinat Med 2021.

DOI: 10.1515/jpm-2020-0537

Miyagi Y, Miyake T. 

Potential of artificial intelligence for estimating Japanese fetal weights.

Acta Medica Okayama 74(6): 483-493, 2020.

DOI: 10.18926/AMO/61207

Miyagi Y, Habara T, Hirata R, Hayashi N. 

Predicting a live birth by artificial intelligence incorporating both the blastocyst image and conventional embryo evaluation parameters.

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. 1(3):94-107, 2020.

DOI: 10.35711/aimi.v1.i3.94

宮木康成. AIによるコルポスコピー診断. 産婦人科の実際 69: 475-481, 2020


宮木康成. AI技術の実臨床への応用. 医学のあゆみ 274(9): 875-882, 2020.

Miyagi Y, Fujiwara K, Oda T , Miyake T, Coleman RL. Studies on Development of New Method for the Prediction of Clinical Trial Results Using Compressive Sensing of Artificial Intelligence. Ferreira MAM (eds) In: Theory and Practice of Mathematics and Computer Science. Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India, 2020


Miyagi Y, Takehara K, Nagayasu Y, Miyake T. 

Application of deep learning to the classification of uterine cervical squamous epithelial lesion from colposcopy images combined with HPV types.

Oncology Letters 19(2);1602-1610, 2020

Miyagi Y, Tada K, Yasuhi I, Maekawa Y, Okura N, Kawakami K, Yamaguchi K, Ogawa M, Kodama T, Nomiyama M, Mizunoe T, Miyake T.

New method for determining fibrinogen and FDP threshold criteria by artificial intelligence in cases of massive hemorrhage during delivery.

J Obstet Gynecol Res. 46(2): 256–265, 2020. 

Miyagi Y, Habara T, Hirata R, Hayashi N.
Feasibility of deep learning for predicting live birth from a blastocyst image in patients classified by age
Reproductive Medicine and Biology. 2019; 18(2):190-203.
特許番号 Patent 6468576

Miyagi Y, Habara T, Hirata R, Hayashi N.
Feasibility of artificial intelligence for predicting live birth without aneuploidy from a blastocyst image.
Reproductive Medicine and Biology. 2019; 18(2):204-211.
特許番号 Patent 6422142

Miyagi Y, Habara T, Hirata R, Hayashi N. Feasibility of predicting live birth by combining conventional 

embryo evaluation with artificial intelligence applied to a blastocyst image in patients classified by age. 

Reproductive Medicine and Biology.. 2019; 18:344–356.

Miyagi Y, Takehara K, Mitake T. Application of deep learning to the classification of uterine cervical squamous epithelial lesion from colposcopy images.

Molecular and Clinical Oncology 11:583-589, 2019.

DOI: 10.3892/mco.2019.1932

Miyagi Y, Tada K, Takayoshi R, Oguni N, Sato Y, et al.

Formulae Based on Biomathematics to Estimate the Standard Value of Fetal Growth of Japanese

Acta Medica Okayama 72(2):115-119, 2018.


Miyagi Y, Fujiwara K, Oda T, Miyake T, Coleman RL.

Development of New Method for the Prediction of Clinical Trial Results Using Compressive Sensing of Artificial Intelligence. 

J Biostat Biometric App 3(2): 202, 2018.





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